

  • 民生

重大动向?人民日报头版没报习近平 李克强汪洋占位

不过,《看中国》记者查证,3月30日,习近平的新闻有出现在头版。 自去年底以来,北京当局因隐瞒致“中共肺炎(又称武汉肺炎、新冠肺炎,COVID-19)”大爆发,不但社会不满声音四起,党内也“倒习”暗涌不断 。到任志强一篇直批习近平的文章流传,事态进入高度敏感期…

“北美疫情日趋严重,病毒看不见,摸不着,我们怎么在日常中跟它作斗争呢?“The North American epidemic is getting worse. The virus is invisible and untouchable. How can we fight it in our daily lives?”



” Preparation before going out”

“出门买菜时的准备:从头到脚需要全部保护:戴帽子,戴护目镜,若没有护目镜,可以用保鲜膜绕头自制护目镜;戴口罩;戴手套;””Preparations when going out to buy food: you need full protection from head to toe: wear a hat and goggles, if you don’t have goggles, you can use plastic wrap to make your goggles; wear a mask; wear gloves;”


<正确佩戴口罩:首先选择适合自己面部大小的口罩;戴口罩之前必须要清洁双手;然后分清楚医用外科口罩的正反面,粗糙颜色深的防水面是外层,柔软颜色浅的吸水面是内层,有金属环的是口罩上端,先把口罩对折,上下展开,将口罩罩住鼻、口及下巴,根据鼻梁塑造鼻夹,调整松紧度,使口罩完美贴合脸部,带的有缝隙的话,就会跟没有戴口罩一样,无防护效果。测试一下,大力呼吸,如果口罩会一鼓一鼓,代表已严密戴好。<Wear masks properly: First, choose a mask that fits your face; you must clean your hands before wearing a mask; then distinguish between the front and back of medical surgical masks, the rough and dark waterproof surface is the outer layer, the soft color is the inner layer, and the metal ring is On the top of the mask, first fold the mask in half and unfold it up and down, cover the nose, mouth, and chin, shape the nose clip according to the bridge of the nose, and adjust the tightness to make the mask fit the face perfectly. As a mask, there is no protective effect.



t on gloves and goggles


<按电梯按钮的小技巧电梯按键是比较危险的公共场所,除了物业会定期消毒,减少感染几率外,我们在出门的时候可以带一支有笔帽的笔去除笔芯,然后用空笔部分去按电梯,按完及时盖上笔帽,这样可以更好的保护自己。<Tips for pressing the elevator button Elevator button is a more dangerous public place. In addition to regularly disinfecting property meetings to reduce the chance of infection, we can also remove the refill with a pen with a cap when going out, and then use an empty pen to hold the elevator and cover the elevator in time. Put on a hat to better protect yourself.



“Points to note when going out


<速度购物,尽量选择带包装的蔬菜水果进超市用超市的小车要小心谨慎,车把手是容易残留病毒的地方,eed shopping, try to choose packed vegetables and fruits

When entering a supermarket, use a small car in the supermarket with care. A handlebar is a place that is prone to virus residues.

<结帐缴付时如果有自助结账的超市,可以通过自助方式结账。如果不会操作,排队结账,则距离排队的人最好二米远,且尽量不要正面面对他人说话。在药店也一样,买了尽快离开。There is a self-checkout supermarket, you can checkout by self-service. If you do n’t know how to do this, you may queue up for checkout. It is best to be two meters away from the queued person and try not to talk to other people. The same is true at the pharmacy, buy and leave as soon as possible.


<没有彻底洗手前,不要碰脸部分在外面行走时,一定谨记,千万不要触摸脸和眼睛。因为我们的手暴露在外面,触摸脸和眼睛,会增大感染的概率。‘t touch your face before washing your hands thoroughlyWhen walking outside, remember to never touch your face and eyes. Because our hands are exposed, touching the face and eyes increases the probability of infection.



” When you got home”




<Remove the mask, and pay attention to the virus on the surface of the mask.

A large number of viruses and bacteria that are not visible to the naked eye are adsorbed on the outside of the mask. When wearing a mask, do not touch the surface of the mask with your hand. If you touch the outer layer of the mask and then use your hands to get food, dig your nostrils, and rub your eyes, it will give the virus a chance to invade. If you touch it accidentally, wash your hands immediately.

During the process of removing the mask and discarding it, you should also pay attention to avoid contaminating your hands with the surface of the mask. Remove the mask from the earloop, wrap it in a plastic bag, put it in a trash can, and wash your hands immediately.

<在进屋之前,一定要重视我们的鞋:可以先用酒精消毒鞋底之后进屋再脱;有条件的话最好把鞋脱在外面,或者有消毒液的话,检查鞋盘内消毒液是否润湿,如果不是,添加消毒液稀释液,然后将鞋底踩踏鞋盘,保证鞋底浸润5秒.<take off your shoesBefore entering the house, we must pay attention to our shoes: you can use alcohol to disinfect the soles of the shoes and then take them off; if possible, it is best to take the shoes outside, or if there is a disinfectant, check whether the disinfectant in the shoe is wet If not, add disinfectant dilution, and then step on the soles of the soles to ensure the soles soak for5 seconds.


<消毒鞋脱鞋放置鞋架处,同时换上家居拖鞋,家居拖鞋踩踏鞋盘,用滴露稀释液喷外出鞋5次,上、左、右、前、后.Take off your shoes and place them on the shoe rack, and put on your home slippers at the same time. Step on the shoe discs and spray out the shoes5 times with diluent, up, left, right, front, and back.


<处理外套将外衣脱下,挂周转衣架,用蒸汽熨斗清洁外衣,注意外衣背部和手肘重要部位,将外衣放入外衣柜,或者把外套挂在阳台通风处,处理好之后,别忘记再次洗手。Take off the coat, hang the circulating clothes hanger, clean the coat with a steam iron, pay attention to the important parts of the back of the coat and the elbows, put the coat in the outer closet, or hang the coat on the balcony ventilation. After handling, don’t forget to wash your hands again.


<外裤处理将外裤脱下,挂周转衣架,用蒸汽熨斗清洁外裤,注意臀部和裤腿口等重要部位,将外裤放于外衣柜Take off the trousers, hang the turnover hanger, clean the trousers with a steam iron, pay attention to the important parts such as the heel and trouser legs, and put the trousers in an outer closet.


<仔细洗手两遍洗手,由于外出会接触到各种表面,需要彻底洗手,且要用洗手液,消毒酒精等,不要用肥皂,避免二次污染;病毒一定是黏膜入血,到达靶器官繁殖感染。所以一回家就要洗手;眼、鼻、口是病毒黏膜入血的渠道,做好防护,不要用不干净的手摸鼻子、眼睛;远离咳嗽、打喷嚏的人;餐具消毒、不跟陌生人共餐,分餐制,即每个人使用自己的碗筷,即使家庭也要如此,避免交叉感染;Wash your hands. As you are out of contact, Xinguan Pneumonia needs to wash your hands thoroughly, and use hand sanitizer. Do not use soap to avoid secondary pollution. The virus must enter the bloodstream of the mucous membrane and reach the target organ for reproduction and infection. So wash your hands as soon as you go home; eyes, nose, and mouth are the channels for blood to enter the virus and mucosa. Take good protection. Do not touch your nose and eyes with dirty hands; stay away from people who cough and sneeze; Sharing meals between strangers, divided into meals, that is, everyone uses their tableware, even for families, to avoid cross-infection;

<处理外面买回来的菜买来的菜也需要放在阳台或窗外、可以放置在和生活区隔离开的空间里;放置48小时,原因是菜也可能沾有病毒,和外套类似;对于冷冻食品,用75%酒精喷雾,放置一段时间后再放进冰箱,以免病毒污染冰箱,至于放多长时间,根据各种不同材料选择,处理完不要忘记再次仔细洗手。Bought also need to be placed on the balcony or window, which can be placed in a space isolated from the living area; for48 hours, because bought may also be infected with viruses, similar to a coat; for frozen foods, spray with75% alcohol, Put it in the refrigerator after leaving it for a while, so as not to contaminate the refrigerator with viruses. As for how long to put it in, you can choose according to various materials. Don’t forget to wash your hands carefully again after handling it.




Open mineral water and drink at least three mouthfuls and swallow slowly


“Other considerations”:



Current research shows: at a temperature of10-15° C, the new crown virus is on the wooden surface for48 hours; plastic and stainless steel surface,2 to3 days; paper material,1 day; copper surface,4 hours; air slip Pieces,3 hours;24 hours on robes. Overall, replacement contact with contaminated surfaces is a potential source of virus transmission. The surface of mobile phones, elevator buttons and metal surfaces of elevator rooms, door handles, handrails of subways and buses, and cash machines are all hard-hit areas.

The survival time of new coronavirus on the surface of smooth and nonporous objects and corresponding factors that can destroy its structural stability may cause its inactivation. Such as high-temperature treatment above56° C for30 minutes, UV irradiation for1 hour and so on. However, these measures require intensity and time, not to say that turning on the heating air conditioner, you can kill the virus by exposure to the sun for a few minutes. It is based on the fact that the effects of chemicals are more direct, such as washing hands with liquid soap at any temperature, disinfecting articles with0.5% hydrogen peroxide or75% alcohol, etc., can inactivate the virus within1 minute. As the main infection route of the virus is contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth, and nose, avoid touching the five senses, and do a good job of cleaning the hands and public goods to respond to changes.











After each time you go home, you can turn off the power of the phone. After the phone is completely cooled, dipped in an appropriate amount of75% alcohol, or use other disinfection products that do not damage electronic products, including some disinfectant paper towels to wipe the surface of the phone. And do good hand hygiene. Spray75% of medical alcohol evenly on a sanitary cotton ball or a sterile soft cloth; use a sanitary cotton ball/ soft cloth to wipe the screen, back, side, cell phone button gap, charging interface and other parts from the same direction from top to bottom; Let the phone stand for5 minutes, wait for the alcohol on the phone surface to evaporate, and complete the deep disinfection of the phone. If the phone is wearing a protective cover, wait for the phone to evaporate before wearing the protective case. It is also recommended to repeat the above process for the inside and outside of the protective case. Perform thorough and thorough disinfection. Due to the volatile nature of alcohol, long-term disinfection cannot be guaranteed. If conditions permit, it can be disinfected2 to3 times a day.



Tableware and teaware:Boil for15-30 seconds, or use a high-temperature sterilization box(cabinet) for sterilization;


The surface of the object:For surfaces that are in frequent contact with countertops, door handles, telephones, switches, kettle handles, washbasins, toilets, etc., you can use84 disinfectant1:100 dilution and wipe for30 seconds, then Wipe clean with water.


Ground:Can be diluted with1:10084 disinfectant, mop with a mop for30 seconds, and then mop with water.

➯④普通织物:对毛巾、衣物、被罩等可使用热水浸泡,再使用衣物洗涤消毒剂浸泡洗涤,最后用清水漂洗干净。Ordinary fabrics:Towels, clothes, quilts, etc. can be soaked in hot water, then soaked in laundry detergent and disinfectant, and rinsed with water.➯⑤清洁消毒完毕后:立刻对清洁消毒工具,如拖把、抹布等进行清洗,以免造成二次污染,然后摘除口罩、手套,洗手。After cleaning and disinfection:immediately clean the cleaning and disinfection tools, such as a mop, rag, etc. to avoid secondary pollution, and then remove the mask, gloves, and wash your hands.


疫情搅局 供需失调 小麦稻米价格狂飙…(图)

新冠肺炎疫情扩散,带动小麦、稻米价格大涨。 路透 新冠肺炎疫情扩散,不但促使民众疯狂抢购麵条、大米及麵包,而且封城措施又搅乱农产品供应链,加上多国限制农产品出口,导致供需失调,已带动国际小麦及稻米价格大涨。玉米与黄豆期货则因需求受冲击而重挫,分析师警告,第2季…

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