
机密泄露 美国在欧洲这些地方藏了150颗核弹(图)

  • 新闻

湘江决堤数百乡镇被水淹 官媒集体低调处理(组图)

中国珠江、湘江及长江流域连日暴雨引发洪灾,近400条河流已超过洪水警戒线,部分地区出现决堤。灾民发出的视频中,有房屋倒退,铁轨路基被冲毁、河上漂浮着尸体。不过,中国大部分媒体对这些灾难性场面,只作低调处理。有网民调侃当局对水灾进行选择性报道。 7月上旬以来,中…




机密泄露 美国在欧洲这些地方藏了150颗核弹(图)

  A recently released — and subsequently deleted — document
published by a NATO-affiliated body has sparked headlines in Europe
with an apparent confirmation of a long-held open secret: U.S。
nuclear weapons are being stored in Belgium, Germany, Italy, the
Netherlands and Turkey。


  ▲Secret locations of U.S。 nuclear weapons in Europe accidentally
included in report from NATO parliament   (via
the Washington Post)

机密泄露 美国在欧洲这些地方藏了150颗核弹(图)(图
via sputnik)

  据RT报道,这份文件的作者是来自加拿大的Sen。 Joseph Day,他是北约议会国防和安全委员会成员。文件中提到:

  According to the draft, NATO stores some 150 nuclear B61 bombs in
six bases: Kleine Brogel in Belgium, Büchel in Germany, Aviano and
Ghedi-Torre in Italy, Volken in the Netherlands and İncirlik in
Turkey。 While the draft does not say how many bombs each of the
bases houses, the information is readily available online, albeit
with varying degrees of accuracy。


  ▲Draft NATO-affiliated report reveals number & location of US
nukes in Europe   (via RT)



The document does not attribute this information to any source。
Last week, a final version of the report was published online, and
it omits the specific reference to where bombs are stored。 Instead,
the report refers vaguely to aircraft that could carry nuclear



“The European Allies often cited as operating such aircraft are
Belgium, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, and Turkey,” the document
said, with a footnote citing a 2018 report by the Nuclear
Threat Initiative, a U.S。 nongovernmental organization。


  ▲Secret locations of U.S。 nuclear weapons in Europe accidentally
included in report from NATO parliament   (via
the Washington Post)


机密泄露 美国在欧洲这些地方藏了150颗核弹(图)


机密泄露 美国在欧洲这些地方藏了150颗核弹(图)

  Sen。 Joseph Day, the author of the report, wrote in an email that
the first version of the report was only a draft and that changes
may be made to the report until it is dealt with by the NATO
Parliamentary Assembly in November。 “All information used in this
report is open source material,” he wrote。


  ▲Secret locations of U.S。 nuclear weapons in Europe accidentally
included in report from NATO parliament   (via
the Washington Post)


  As a rule, neither the United States nor its European partners
discuss the location of Washington’s nuclear weapons on the
continent。 “We do not comment on the details of NATO’s nuclear
posture,” said a NATO official, speaking on the condition of
anonymity in line with the organization’s rules for talking to the


  “This is not an official NATO document,” the official added,
noting that it was written by members of the NATO Parliamentary


  ▲Secret locations of U.S。 nuclear weapons in Europe accidentally
included in report from NATO parliament   (via
the Washington Post)

机密泄露 美国在欧洲这些地方藏了150颗核弹(图)


机密泄露 美国在欧洲这些地方藏了150颗核弹(图)(图
via RT)

  The presence of the weapons derived from an agreement reached in
the 1960s and is in many ways a relic of the Cold War era —
designed not only to act as deterrence to the nuclear armed-Soviet
Union, but also to convince countries that they didn’t need their
own nuclear weapons program。


  But times have changed。 In 2016, after a coup attempt and the
rapid spread of the Islamic State extremist group next door,
analysts openly wondered whether Turkey was really such a
great place to store nuclear weapons。


  ▲Secret locations of U.S。 nuclear weapons in Europe accidentally
included in report from NATO parliament   (via
the Washington Post)


机密泄露 美国在欧洲这些地方藏了150颗核弹(图)


机密泄露 美国在欧洲这些地方藏了150颗核弹(图)


机密泄露 美国在欧洲这些地方藏了150颗核弹(图)



今日时事新闻网|最新的新闻时事–机密泄露 美国在欧洲这些地方藏了150颗核弹(图)

港警自白:政府无能 高层推我们去送死(图)

  这位港警至少参与过两场驱散民众的相关行动,他向BBC表示,在示威者眼中,港警配备了防暴装备、警棍、胡椒喷雾和催泪弹,与自制各种防护工具的示威者属于“高墙”和“鸡蛋”的对比,但其实示威者也有人向警方投掷砖头、铁枝、雨伞,警察即使有盾牌也有可能会受伤。   陈…

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