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刚刚又一个国家撑不住了 宣布降息425个基点(图)

  北京时间周四晚间,土耳其央行宣布将一周回购利率大幅下调425个基点,是2002年以来的最大降息幅度,也是该行自2016年以来的首次降息。   土耳其央行将基准利率7天期回购利率从24%下调至19.75%,力度远超市场预期的250个基点、下调至21.5%。 …



AO是政府架构中的专业管理通才,在政府担当重要角色。他们被视为晋身高级公务员的踏脚石,会定期被派往各决策局和部门担任不同职位,制定政府政策。过往香港的多次重大政治事件,包括2002-2003年的廿三条争议,以至八九六四,AO都不曾政治表态,今次逾百名 AO发声,意义重大,突显「反送中」引爆的政治危机令即使是政府的「中流砥柱」也要打破「政治中立」原则。



逾百 AO联署:守护香港核心价值,是我们加入政府的初衷












We are a group of some one hundred Administrative Officers(AO) of the HKSARG.

Listening to the voices from all walks of life; serving every citizen with all our capacity; and safeguarding the core values of Hong Kong are the epitome of our aspiration to become an AO. We share the citizens’ anguish in seeing a series of demonstrations and confrontations between the Police and the citizens over the past month.

In taking forward policies, it is the Government’s fundamental role to forge consensus among various stakeholders with an open and embracing attitude. This pebble called the Extradition Bill has caused unrest of a seismic proportion, and brought the struggles which we thought have gradually ebbed back to the society. It is the officials’ dereliction of duty that worries the citizens: we witnessed several mass protests of unrivalled scale, even the suicides of some exasperated citizens. The Principal Officials responsible still turned a deaf ear to the outcry of the public. It is the Government’s loss of credibility that agitates the citizens: we witnessed thugs savagely assaulting unarmed civilians indiscriminately in Yuen Long and the Police failed to arrive on scene in time. In the face of such blatant failure, the officials responsible have resorted to sugarcoating instead of admitting the problem. It is the Police’s ruination of discipline that disappoints the citizens: we witnessed when demonstrations turned into confrontations, the police staff, as seen in web livecasts, was suspected to have failed to observe the regulations in exercising their powers, such as intentionally hiding their identity, and applying force of a questionable level.

As civil servants, regardless of our political beliefs, we are obliged to show our allegiance to the Government, which is the principle of political neutrality. This summer in Hong Kong, however, is a cardinal moment where we stand at the crossroads of right and wrong and we cannot remain silent. If we do not face the root of the problem, we are not only disregarding our mission to serve the public, it would also be impossible to steer Hong Kong back onto the right track. Although advice when most needed is least heeded, we still wish to solemnly and humbly appeal to the Chief Executive to listen to the voice from the society and respond to the various demands of the civil society, including establishing an independent Commission of Inquiry(CoI) to investigate the various incidents originating from the Extradition Bill with fairness, openness and impartiality. The scope may include whether the handling of the amendment exercise was appropriate, whether the actions and strategies used by the Police on several occasions were proportionate, whether misconduct in public office was involved during the assault in Yuen Long, etc. This is the only way that Hong Kong will have the opportunity to reconcile, recover from the trauma and move forward again.

We also appeal for support from all police staff for the establishment of a CoI, so as to let the Police rebuild the mutual trust with the public. At the same time, we hope you can all continue to strictly comply with the Police Force Ordinance(Cap.232) and the Police General Orders to strive to become a role model for all citizens in“doing our utmost to uphold Hong Kong’s rule of law”.

Over the past month, people in Hong Kong have time and again reminded us of our aspiration to serve the society. People in Hong Kong can put their differences aside for the same ideal and walk with one another; people in Hong Kong can encourage and help one another despite being complete strangers in this darkest hour; people in Hong Kong should stay committed to their work while looking out for one another in this time of despair. We hold the principles of being an AO dearly to our hearts; but facing the immediate political crisis, we feel the obligation to voice out in a bid to guard the Government’s credibility and respectability.

It takes the one who tied the bell to untie it. If the people in power can listen to the voice of Hongkongers with a benevolent and generous attitude, the first step to right the wrongs will come into sight in no time. What Hong Kong needs now is a time to rebuild mutual trust, as well as to rest and recuperate. If the present predicament lingers, Hong Kong may be pushed into an even deeper crisis. We hope the people in power can carefully weigh the pros and cons with an open heart, and stalwartly stand by all Hongkongers.

We never forget the importance of upholding our political neutrality as AOs. However, the recent happenings have impressed upon the public that civil servants may no longer be politically neutral when performing their duties. It will pain us if we are to see the image of civil servants built across decades be destroyed in a flash. We have no intention to challenge the principle of political neutrality; yet, we trust it is vital to rebuild the mutual confidence between the people and the Government so as to bring the governance back on track and allow every civil servant to contribute to Hong Kong by staunchly discharging their duties.



施工震死36尾中华鲟 湖北2厅官7县处等15人被查(图)

7月25日上午,湖北省纪委书记、省监委主任王立山做客中央纪委国家监委网站,围绕“拿出实招硬招 坚决整治形式主义官僚主义”主题接受采访。 在访谈中,王立山提到中华鲟子一代大量死亡问题,查处了15名不作为、乱作为的领导干部,其中厅级干部2人、县处级干部7人。荆州桥…

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